Will You Merry Me? (2008, dir. Nisha Ganatra)

“Will you marry me”. Beautiful, isn’t it? Four little words which can lead to a life of support and trust with the one you love. Alternately, you could fudge it up and say “merry” instead of “marry” which would lead to a bad film. George Kringle decides he’d like to get merried when he’s out shopping on his six month anniversary for a present for Rebecca.

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Hitched for the Holidays (2012, dir. Michael Scott)

Christmas is about being together with your friends and family, and that’s so lovely. No matter who you’re spending it with, it brings a sense of togetherness and loving. According to Hitched for the Holidays, however, the only person you should be with is your other half. You don’t have one? That’s cool- but don’t tell this film, yeah? They’ll make you look like a ridiculous terrible spinster, unless you’re out and scouring the streets for somebody on a daily basis.

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